Likes, comments, shares. We all love them on social media channels.
Why? Because the gospel spreads virally through them on social media and it doesn’t cost a cent. Brilliant!
It’s a quiet revolution, but one I believe that will have ramifications that we haven’t seen the limits of yet.
But if that is all we are looking for as our return on investment then I want to you to know that is the wrong digital strategy.
The social media landscape is changing. (BTW, there is a seismic shift going on right now which churches need to be acting on right now.)
But there are still opportunities, if our focus is correct.
I love this insight from Phil Cooke who articulates so clearly what churches social/digital goal should be.
“I believe it’s time to shift from primarily thinking about missions in terms of geographical boundaries, and start thinking in terms of digital boundaries …From my perspective, that’s a massive country just waiting to hear our message. Why are we sitting on the sidelines?” Read more here
My social media goal isn’t more likes, comments or shares. They are a means to spread the good news of the gospel, but the real deal is where people engage with you in the digital space and make steps of faith because of your social content.
That is a goal I can buy into. And I am. In 2015 I will be starting to implement the end game of our social strategy. Can’t. Wait.