I remember around eight years ago being asked if I would be interested in taking up a role as the Communications Director here at Crossway. At that time I had no actual experience as a comm’s lead, but had been in various job roles where I had learnt about public relations, communications to feel confident enough to consider the jump across from being a Creative Director to a Communications Director. 

During that time I also remember doing some research and googling what a Church Communications Director was. It was here where I discovered a blog from Kem Meyer. It was through Kem’s blog that was part of the reason I said yes to doing what I do now some seven years on. Kem shared about her experience and wrote insights and tips to help churches improve their communications.

At the time I sometimes felt like a castaway on an island where I felt like there was no one else here in Australia that had a similar role and even understood the unique challenges and opportunities that the role presented. Kem’s influence through her blog was very formative in shaping and helped me get through the first few years. Kem was also the link for me to discover a non-profit called Church Marketing Sucks. It was strange that I had to go so far to find like-minded people who could support me in what I was doing, but I’m so grateful they came along-side me.

It was Kem and the crew at Church Marketing Sucks that really inspired me to share what I have learnt here on this blog.

Over the weekend Kem announced that she was passing on the baton and was moving on to a very different season in her life. Kem, I want to take the opportunity to say thank you. Thanks so much for investing and sharing your experience with all of us in our various roles. Your gracious positive influence and impact has gone much further than you can ever imagine.

It’s one of the amazing things of life to know that someone I only ever briefly met once has been so pivotal in helping and supporting me in what I have taken on.

The church communications community and beyond is much better for having you in our lives Kem.

Thank you.

If Kem has influenced you in any way drop a comment below.