I love seeing what others are doing around the web in social media. I also love learning from the experts in this field of social communication and social marketing. Here are eight tips, some of them will take you an hour to read through literally so curl up on the couch. Switch off any distractions and enjoy!
Tip #1 Check out the toolbox on Justin Flitter’s site. Some great tips if you are in the early stages of setting up your social presence. Justin is a new online buddy from New Zealand.
Tip #2 Read the report from Nielsen on the ‘State of the media’ Social Media Report. It is a very comprehensive look at social media. Very thorough.
Tip #3 Social media engagement process chart – An interesting diagram which can help you guide your social media team through management of their community.
Tip #4 Kodak’s social media tips booklet (PDF) This is just massive.
Tip #5 Learn how people of different ages interact online with this brilliant infographic.
Tip #6 21 more tips to help you leverage social media. (Not one tip I know but a how kit bag of goodness :-))
Tip #7 Learn how to measure your effectiveness in the social media space. Are you getting the kinds of results you are after?
Tip #8 This tip is one of my personal blog favourites. It is based on what I learnt about social in my job. 9 Tips I Wish I Knew Before I started Using Social Media
Your turn! What tip would you give to other readers? Drop a comment below and share your wisdom!