Custom church facebook landing page

I love seeing churches use social media effectively. Many have their wall as the first page you see which I don’t quite understand given the capabilities of Facebook pages. A small number of churches seem to be creating custom landing pages which I REALLY like. (I recently wrote a step by step guide about how you can create your own custom Facebook page). 

I could type of hours on why I love each one of these pages. I particularly love the use of video and how they drive you to the church’s website. Here are the five pages that I really like in no particular order:

Saddleback Church

Saddleback Facebook facebook page

Northpoint Community Church

Northpoint community church

Crossway Church

Crossway Facebook Page


Fellowship Church

Fellowship church Facebook page


Have you created or seen a custom church landing page? Drop a link below. (Don’t forget to check out my step by step guide for creating a custom landing page.)