
Missed me? Sorry I’ve been quiet on this blog. I’ve been very busy executing the final phase of our church’s digital strategy. Before I go tell you about what that is and how we’ve gone lets rewind a bit.

At the start of the year I released a free Digital strategy e-book because I felt there was a gaping hole in the church world. Some churches did great social media, but didn’t connect their social media with an achievable and realistic goal. You can read the free e-book here where I unpack how I did it.

So let me bring you up to date. I just launched Crossway’s online campus. Otherwise known as church online. It has been a year in the making. A few years in the strategy and dreaming phase.

We kicked off with 10 services on a Sunday. What I hadn’t anticipated was the response. We had over 700 people on our first Sunday from over 40 countries. I was so pleased with the outcome. It has taken a whole team to get this far. And it is only just getting going.

One key outcome I’ve learnt is that I’m a serial entrepreneur. I love dreaming and casting a vision and seeing something from nothing become a reality.

Now some of you may be thinking, Steve’s focus has changed. Not at all! I love blogging and will be sharing in the future how I reached 220,000 people in one day through social media soon. Very cool.

Turning from me to you now. Have you figured out your digital strategy yet? Do you have a goal? Are you struggling to figure it out? I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below and let’s talk!